Configuring BitBroker

Configuration options for a BitBroker instance

In the section, we cover how you can configure your BitBroker instance to align to your specific needs.

Environment Settings

In this section, we outline the details of our installation environment file. This file is called .env and resides at the root of the BitBroker file layout.

There is no master record for this in the repository, however there is a file called .env.example, which contains all the most common parameters. You can activate this common set by simply copying this file:

cd bit-broker
cp .env.example .env

Here are all the settings in .env which can be modified:

Parameter Default Description
APP_MODE standard This is reserved for a future feature
APP_SERVER_METRICS false Enables express-prom-bundle to each API server
APP_SERVER_LOGGING false Enables stdout logging to each API server
APP_FILE_LOGGING false Enables file based logging to each API server
APP_DATABASE see .env.example PostgreSQL connection string - use CREDENTIALS as per the default
APP_SECRET see .env.example Instance level secret used to create secure hashes
BOOTSTRAP_USER_EMAIL The email for the bootstrap user
BOOTSTRAP_USER_NAME Admin The name of the bootstrap user
BOOTSTRAP_USER_KEY_ID see .env.example This parameter reserved
COORDINATOR_PORT 8001 The listening port for the coordinator API
COORDINATOR_BASE v1 The version of the coordinator API
COORDINATOR_USER see .env.example Database access for the coordinator API
CONTRIBUTOR_PORT 8002 The listening port for the contributor API
CONTRIBUTOR_BASE v1 The version of the contributor API
CONTRIBUTOR_USER see .env.example Database access for the contributor API
CONSUMER_PORT 8003 The listening port for the consumer API
CONSUMER_BASE v1 The version of the consumer API
CONSUMER_USER see .env.example Database access for the consumer API
POLICY_CACHE see .env.example Redis connection string for the policy cache
AUTH_SERVICE see .env.example End-point for the auth service
RATE_SERVICE see .env.example End-point for the rate service

You will also see some parameters starting with TESTS_ in the .env.example. These are reserved parameters used by the Mocha test suite. You can ignore these values unless you are developing the core system itself.

Advanced Use Cases

In this section, we outline the details of some more advanced use cases.