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Welcome to BitBroker

This documentation explains all the concepts, models and processes that you will need to understand to get started with BitBroker.

What is BitBroker?

BitBroker is an open source, end-to-end, data sharing solution.

It allows organizations to share data with third-parties in the context of robust policy definitions. These policies ensure that:

  • Agreed people can get access to the data
  • … only the specified data segment is visible to them
  • … they access the data in the permitted manner
  • … everything happens within a defined legal framework

Using BitBroker you can leverage the expertise of external players to help analyze, process and realize the latent value within your data. Services provided by the system are:

Service Description
 Connect heterogeneous data sets BitBroker is a great way to bring order into an otherwise chaotic data environment. It helps organize data from complex and heterogeneous backend systems, presenting a more consistent view to data consumers.
Controlled data contribution BitBroker allows for a community of people to contribute data; however, it is not a free-for-all. Coordinators decide who can contribute and what they can contribute. They can set schematic expectations per data type, allowing BitBroker to police all contributions to ensure they are compliant.
Comprehensive cataloging Unless asked it to, BitBroker does not take a copy of data. Instead, it indexes all the entity instances in the domain and facilitates the search and discovery of these. Policy based access is then brokered via the core engine, meaning that the consumer is never made aware of the source details of any data.
Flexible data sharing policies Coordinators can create and deploy any number of data sharing policies. These define which data segments are visible, how they can be accessed and the legal basis for any use. Once deployed, BitBroker will police the policy on your behalf, giving you confidence that data is only being accessed and used as you would want it to be.
Reach-for data licenses BitBroker eases the legal burden of sharing data by allowing Coordinators to select and incorporate from common data licenses, attribution models, terms and conditions, acceptable content, etc. This means they can quickly get started with data consumers, but still within a robust legal framework.
Modern, effective suite of APIs BitBroker works out-of-the-box with a comprehensive suite of modern APIs offering search, discovery and access to the policy specified entity and time series data.
Complete user and key management Flexible key workflow configuration means that Coordinators can decide exactly which consumers are granted access and for how long. BitBroker will take care of all users' access and even flag users who are attempting to violate policy.
Branded developer portal Coming soon… a web portal which will allow you to administer and operate a BitBroker instance via clicks in a browser.

BitBroker is a one-stop-shop for policy based data sharing. As you will see in later documentation, it can be deployed in a variety of configurations, depending upon your data access and control requirements.

Is BitBroker for me?

BitBroker is not for everyone. Sometimes, people just want to share data openly, with minimal control and in the context of open licenses. In that case, you might be able to get away with an open data portal, such as CKAN or Socrata.

However, in situations where more control is required, then BitBroker can become a key enabling resource. Deploying BitBroker makes most sense when:

  • You want to share data from multiple, complex and heterogeneous backend systems
  • You want to share data with a wide and diverse set of people
  • You want to create and deploy policies, such that only defined people, can access defined subsets, via defined routes
  • You want to apply different licenses, to different people, at different times
  • You want to maintain control and have the ability to rescind access at any time

BitBroker lets you build confidence with your data consumers, by enabling progressive data access as your relationship with them matures and develops.

A modern refresh for legacy applications?

Perhaps your needs are simpler…

BitBroker is also a great solution to bring together different data sources within an organization and to present them in a simple and modern API.

Using very little effort, multiple, legacy data applications can be plugged into a BitBroker - enabling cross-siloed information sharing. Users can access this via a simple, RESTful API. You can plug the data into your favorite business applications or build an application from the range of sample applications you will find documented here.

Ready to get started?

Here are some great jumping-off points for BitBroker:

Contributing to BitBroker

BitBroker is an open source project under the Apache 2 license. We welcome contributions from anyone who is interested in helping to make BitBroker better. If you would like to contribute, then you should start by reading our contribution guide and then get in-touch with the core team.

1 - Getting Started

Getting started with BitBroker, including demos, installation and basic configuration

In this section we explore a number of ways to get you started using, deploying, operating and developing BitBroker.

If you are new to BitBroker, you may want to start with this quick overview or this deeper introduction.

1.1 - Demos and Examples

Explore the demonstration instance of BitBroker

Here you will find information about a range of BitBroker demo applications and connectors to help you understand what BitBroker is and how it can operate in complex data sharing scenarios.

Most importantly, it will help you get started building your own applications which use BitBroker data or your own data connectors to contribute data into the system.

Demo Applications

We have a number of example applications, which allow users to explore policy based access to data via the Consumer API.

Data Explorer

This application allows you to explore the entire Consumer API by directly trying out a number of interactive scenarios. It has a set of example data and polices already pre-installed and running.

You can explore using the Catalog API to try different, complex catalog queries. You can see how the results of these queries differ in the light of different policies - which you can switch between simply in the application.

Once you have executed a query and obtain entity instance records, you can use the Entity API to browse the whole list and inspect the details of individual entities.

Finally, for country data, you can also see the Timeseries API in actions and integrated with a charting library.

Mapping Sample

This application allows you to explore the Consumer API via the medium of a mapping application. It has a set of example data and polices already pre-installed and running. The geographical attributes within the example data are used to populate a map view of the data records.

You can explore how the application outputs are changed in the light of different policies - which you can switch between simply in the application.

Demo Data Connectors

Here we provide a range of data connectors to help you understand what they are and how to build your own. Indeed, it is hoped that you can simply modify one of these data connectors to achieve your own data submission aims.

We currently have two types of example connector:

  • File based - dataset loaded directly from a file
  • RDBMS - data drawn from a relational database

All implementations upload data to the BitBroker catalog. They also fetch and return third-party data in their entity webhooks for the example country dataset, and both support time series data for the country dataset.

NodeJS » File Based

This example connector is implemented in NodeJS and uses a simple file as its source data store. Key characteristics of this connector are:


This example connector is implemented in NodeJS and uses a PostgreSQL database as its source data store. Key characteristics of this connector are:

1.2 - Installing Using Kubernetes

Installing BitBroker on Kubernetes, either for cloud or for local development

There are several ways in which you can install BitBroker, depending on what you are trying to achieve.

Are you trying to deploy to a public cloud or to a local environment? Are you wanting to use BitBroker in a production environment, or as a local sandbox, perhaps you are developing data connectors or even trying to enhance BitBroker itself?

In this section, we will cover in detail and step-by-step, all the different ways in which you can install a BitBroker instance using Kubernetes, to help you achieve your goals.

Bootstrapping Fresh Installations

For all Kubernetes installations, you should be aware of the ways in which fresh installations perform certain bootstrap operations.

Bootstrap User

Every fresh installation of BitBroker comes with one preinstalled user (uid: 1). This user is automatically created when the system is bought-up for the first time.

As we will explain below, this user is linked to the authorization of API calls. The user is also important for the up-coming web portal BitBroker control interface.

Bootstrap Coordinator Token

All interactions with BitBroker stem, ultimately, from interactions with the Coordinator API. This is the main administrative API for the whole system. In order to use this API, you need an access token.

Using this API, new users can be created and then promoted to have coordinator status. This results in the production of a new coordinator access token for them. But this act of promotion itself, requires permission. So how can we get started with this circular scenario?

Whenever a fresh system is installed using Kubernetes, a special bootstrap coordinator authorization token is produced. This token is valid for use with the Coordinator API. You can use this token to get going with the process of then creating your own users and giving them coordinator status.

The detailed install steps below, will contain more information about how to extract and use this bootstrap token.

Cloud Kubernetes Installation

In the section, we will explore how to you can use our pre-prepared Helm charts to install a complete BitBroker instance into your cloud of choice. These charts will be downloaded directly from Docker Hub.


Start with a clean machine, with no remnants of previous BitBroker installations. Please ensure you have the following software installed, configured and operational:

  • Kubernetes command line tools
  • Helm command line tools
  • cURL command line tool (used for testing installs only)

Create a brand new directory to act as a workspace for your installation:

mkdir bbk
cd bbk

Make sure that your current Kubernetes context is pointing at your cloud of choice:

kubectl config get-contexts


First, let’s prepare the context we want to install:

helm repo add bit-broker
JWKS=$(docker run bbkr/auth-service:latest npm run --silent create-jwks)
kubectl apply -f

Next, let’s extract and save the default chart values:

helm show values bit-broker/bit-broker > values.yaml

Next update values.yaml with your required values:

Value Description Your base DNS host
global.gateway.certificateIssuer Set to true for automatic certificates with Let’s Encrypt
global.gateway.tlsSecret if certificateIssuer is false, setup your own secret here

Now we are ready to run the cloud installation with the selected values:

helm install --values values.yaml \
             --create-namespace bit-broker \
             --set bbk-auth-service.JWKS=$JWKS \
             --namespace bit-broker \

This step takes a few moments to complete. After it has finished, you will see a series of notes which discuss some key points about your installation. The sections on JWKS, Auth Service and Rate Service are for advanced use cases, and you can ignore these for now.

It can take a few moments for the system to come into existence and for it to complete its initialization steps. You can test that the system is up-and-ready, by the using this command:

if [ $(curl --max-time 5 --write-out '%{http_code}' --silent --head --output /dev/null https://your-cloud-host/coordinator/v1) == "401" ]; then echo "Ready"; else echo "Not Ready"; fi;

This will output Not Ready until all the servers are up, after which it will output Ready. Keep trying this command until it signals it’s OK to proceed.

Installing a DNS Alias

If you want to add an alias to this installation into your DNS record, then you need to first get the service load balancer address:

kubectl get svc --no-headers -o custom-columns=":status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname" -n bit-broker | head -1

Then you can use this to add an ALIAS into your DNS record. Depending on the domain and the registrar, the procedure and naming terminology will be different. Here is an example procedure for AWS’s Route 53.

Bootstrap Coordinator Token

A key thing to note in the results output, is the section which says: “Here is how to get the Coordinator token”. Extracting and recording this token is a vital step to proceed with the install. This is the bootstrap coordinator token, which we outlined earlier in this document.

As the results output states, you can get hold of this bootstrap coordinator token as follows:

kubectl exec $(kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns="" --selector=app=bit-broker-bbk-auth-service -n bit-broker | head -1) -n bit-broker -c auth-service -- npm run sign-token coordinator $(kubectl get secret --namespace bit-broker bit-broker-bbk-admin-jti -o jsonpath="{.data.ADMIN_JTI}" | base64 --decode)

This is a long command and it will take a few seconds to complete. It will output the token, which will be in the format of a long string. Copy this token and store in a secure location. Be careful if sharing this token, as it has full rights to the entire Coordinator API.

Testing Your Installation

If everything worked as expected, the BitBroker API servers will be up-and-running in your cloud waiting for calls. You can test this by using the sample call below:

curl https://your-cloud-host/coordinator/v1 \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: bootstrap-token-goes-here"

The base end-points of all the three API servers respond with a small announcement:

    "now": "2022-06-16T10:44:53.970Z",
    "name": "bit-broker coordinator service",
    "base": "https://your-cloud-host/coordinator/v1",
    "status": "production"

Like all BitBroker API end-points, these require a working authorization to be in place. Hence, this announcement can be used for testing or verification purposes.


If you want to completely uninstall this instance of BitBroker, you should follow these steps:

helm uninstall bit-broker -n bit-broker
kubectl delete -f
kubectl delete namespace bit-broker
helm repo remove bit-broker
docker ps -a | grep "bbkr/" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm
rm values_local.*

This will remove all the key elements which were created as part of the installation. If you want to go further and clear out all the images which were downloaded too, use the following:

docker images -a | grep "bbkr/" | awk '{print $3}' | uniq | xargs docker rmi

Local Kubernetes Installation

In the section, we will explore how to you can use our pre-prepared Helm charts to install a complete BitBroker instance on your local machine. These charts will be downloaded directly from Docker Hub.


Start with a clean machine, with no remnants of previous BitBroker installations. Please ensure you have the following software installed, configured and operational:

Create a brand new directory to act as a workspace for your installation:

mkdir bbk
cd bbk

Make sure that your current Kubernetes context is docker-desktop:

kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config use-context docker-desktop


First, let’s prepare the context we want to install:

helm repo add bit-broker
JWKS=$(docker run bbkr/auth-service:latest npm run --silent create-jwks)
kubectl apply -f

Our pre-prepared Helm charts are, by default, configured for production, cloud environments. However, here we want to install to localhost only. So we need to make some modifications to the default chart to cater for this:

helm show values bit-broker/bit-broker > values_local.yaml
sed -e 's/gateway[ ]*:/gateway: {}/g' \
    -e 's/acmeProvider/# acmeProvider/g' \
    -e 's/certificateIssuer/# certificateIssuer/g' \
    -e 's/#[ ]*host:[ ]*"https:\/\/"/host: "http:\/\/localhost"/g' \
    -i '_old' \

Now we are ready to run the local installation:

helm install --values values_local.yaml \
             --create-namespace bit-broker \
             --set bbk-auth-service.JWKS=$JWKS \
             --namespace bit-broker \

This step takes a few moments to complete. After it has finished, you will see a series of notes which discuss some key points about your installation. The sections on JWKS, Auth Service and Rate Service are for advanced use cases, and you can ignore these for now.

It can take a few moments for the system to come into existence and for it to complete its initialization steps. You can test that the system is up-and-ready, by the using this command:

if [ $(curl --max-time 5 --write-out '%{http_code}' --silent --head --output /dev/null http://localhost/coordinator/v1) == "401" ]; then echo "Ready"; else echo "Not Ready"; fi;

This will output Not Ready until all the servers are up, after which it will output Ready. Keep trying this command until it signals it’s OK to proceed.

Bootstrap Coordinator Token

A key thing to note in the results output, is the section which says: “Here is how to get the Coordinator token”. Extracting and recording this token is a vital step to proceed with the install. This is the bootstrap coordinator token, which we outlined earlier in this document.

As the results output states, you can get hold of this bootstrap coordinator token as follows:

kubectl exec $(kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns="" --selector=app=bit-broker-bbk-auth-service -n bit-broker | head -1) -n bit-broker -c auth-service -- npm run sign-token coordinator $(kubectl get secret --namespace bit-broker bit-broker-bbk-admin-jti -o jsonpath="{.data.ADMIN_JTI}" | base64 --decode)

This is a long command and it will take a few seconds to complete. It will output the token, which will be in the format of a long string. Copy this token and store in a secure location. Be careful if sharing this token, as it has full rights to the entire Coordinator API.

Testing Your Installation

If everything worked as expected, the BitBroker API servers will be up-and-running on localhost waiting for calls. You can test this by using the sample call below:

curl http://localhost/coordinator/v1 \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: bootstrap-token-goes-here"

The base end-points of all the three API servers respond with a small announcement:

    "now": "2022-06-16T10:44:53.970Z",
    "name": "bit-broker coordinator service",
    "base": "http://localhost/coordinator/v1",
    "status": "production"

Like all BitBroker API end-points, these require a working authorization to be in place. Hence, this announcement can be used for testing or verification purposes.


If you want to completely uninstall this instance of BitBroker, you should follow these steps:

helm uninstall bit-broker -n bit-broker
kubectl delete -f
kubectl delete namespace bit-broker
helm repo remove bit-broker
docker ps -a | grep "bbkr/" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm
rm values_local.*

This will remove all the key elements which were created as part of the installation. If you want to go further and clear out all the images which were downloaded too, use the following:

docker images -a | grep "bbkr/" | awk '{print $3}' | uniq | xargs docker rmi

1.3 - Installing Locally

Installing BitBroker for local development

There are several ways in which you can install BitBroker, depending on what you are trying to achieve.

Local installations using Docker Compose or even direct on to your physical machine, can be a useful option for some use cases. For example, where you are developing data connectors or even trying to enhance BitBroker itself.

In this section, we will cover in detail and step-by-step, all the different ways in which you can install a BitBroker instance locally, to help you achieve your goals.

Server Naming and Ports

For consistency across the system, in local and development mode we use a set of standard logical server name and port for addressing the three principle API services.

This helps with readability and removes ambiguity, since some APIs share resource names. Also, it reduces confusion, if you start multiple API servers on the same physical machine.

Logical Server Names

We use a convention of assigning each API service a logical server name as follows:

API Service Logical Server Name
Coordinator API bbk-coordinator
Contributor API bbk-contributor
Consumer API bbk-consumer

You will find these names used across all the documentation and in the sample code. This is merely a convention; you do not need to use these names in your code. You can, instead, use your cloud URLs or even base IP addresses.

If you choose to stick to this convention, you will need to map these name to their ultimate end-points inside your system hosts file. Here is an example, mapping the standard logical server names to localhost. bbk-coordinator bbk-contributor bbk-consumer

Server Ports

Each API service listens on a distinct, non-clashing port. Unless you configure it otherwise, even the docker images are designed to start each service on its designated port.

This port mapping makes it simple and unambiguous to bring up multiple (or indeed all) of these API services on the same physical machine, without them interfering with each other. The assigned service ports are as follows:

API Service Server Port
Coordinator API 8001
Contributor API 8002
Consumer API 8003

Development Only Headers

When installing BitBroker locally, authorization is bypassed. In this scenario, you do not need to supply authorization tokens to any API.

However, when using the Consumer API, you do still need to specify the policy you are using. This is so that BitBroker is aware of the data segment which is in-play for consumer calls. This is achieved by specifying a development header value.

Rather than the authorization header:

x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-will-go-here

You instead use the development header, as follows:

x-bbk-audience: your-policy-id-will-go-here

Failure to specify the development header on Consumer API calls when in local mode, will lead to those requests being rejected.

Bootstrap User

Every fresh installation of BitBroker comes with one preinstalled user (uid: 1). This user is automatically created when the system is bought-up for the first time.

As we will explain below, this user is linked to the authorization of API calls. The user is also important for the up-coming web portal BitBroker control interface.

Docker Compose Local Installation

In the section we will explore how to you can use our pre-prepared Docker Compose files to install a BitBroker instance on your local machine.


Start with a clean machine, with no remnants of previous BitBroker installations. Please ensure you have the following software installed, configured and operational:

  • Docker command line tools
  • cURL command line tool (used for testing installs only)

Create a brand new directory to act as a workspace for your installation:

mkdir bbk
cd bbk


Let’s start by cloning the main BitBroker engine from its GitHub repository:

git clone

This will have created a bit-broker directory and you should move into it:

cd bit-broker

First, let’s start by preparing our instance’s environment file. For a standard local install, we can simply copy the existing one which came with the repository:

cp .env.example .env

Now we can use our docker compose scripts to install and launch our local instance:

docker-compose -f ./development/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml up

At this point, your BitBroker installation is up and running on your local machine. You can test it by running the steps below.

If you are going to develop on BitBroker, either for building data connectors or for contributing to the core system, then this mode of install can provide a fast and low friction installation technique.

Testing Your Installation

If everything worked as expected, the BitBroker API servers will be up-and-running on localhost waiting for calls. You can test this by using the sample call below. In this local mode, you don’t need to specify any authorization tokens.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1

If you have not applied the standard server name and port format, then you should use http://localhost:8001 here as your API host base URL. The base end-points of all the three API servers respond with a small announcement:

    "now": "2022-06-16T10:44:53.970Z",
    "name": "bit-broker coordinator service",
    "base": "http://localhost/coordinator/v1",
    "status": "production"


If you want to completely uninstall this instance of BitBroker, you can follow these steps, from the top-level bit-broker folder:

docker-compose -f ./development/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml down
cd ..
rm -rm bit-broker

This will delete the Git cloned folder created earlier.

Direct Installation on a Physical Machine

In the section, we will explore how to you can install a BitBroker instance directly onto your local machine.


Start with a clean machine, with no remnants of previous BitBroker installations. Please ensure you have the following software installed, configured and operational:

Create a brand new directory to act as a workspace for your installation:

mkdir bbk
cd bbk


Let’s start by cloning the main BitBroker engine from its GitHub repository:

git clone

This will have created a bit-broker directory and you should move into it:

cd bit-broker

For development purposes, BitBroker has a handy shell script called which can be used to manage the system in local install mode. You can use this to prepare your new clone:

./development/scripts/ unpack

The unpack step, makes sure that all the dependent node packages needed to operate the system are downloaded and ready. It also creates a .env file automatically, by using the settings in the .env.example file.

Now you can start BitBroker by simply using:

./development/scripts/ reset

The reset command given the following output:

  » no services running
  » wiping the database...
  » starting services...

  ┌────── services running ──────┐
  │                              │
  │   90808 » bbk-consumer       │
  │   90812 » bbk-rate-limit     │
  │   90813 » bbk-auth-service   │
  │   90816 » bbk-contributor    │
  │   90817 » bbk-coordinator    │
  │                              │

At this point, your BitBroker installation is up and running on your local machine. You can test it by running the steps below. But first, let’s just see what other commands the script supports:

./development/scripts/ <command>


  unpack → prepares a fresh git clone
  start  → starts bbk services
  stop   → stops bbk services
  status → show bbk service status
  logs   → tails all bbk services logs
  db     → start a sql session
  wipe   → resets the bbk database
  drop   → drops the bbk database
  bounce → stop » start
  reset  → stop » wipe » start
  clean  → stop » drop

If you are going to develop on BitBroker, either for building data connectors or for contributing to the core system, then this mode of install can provide a fast and low friction installation technique.

Testing Your Installation

If everything worked as expected, the BitBroker API servers will be up-and-running on localhost waiting for calls. You can test this by using the sample call below. In this local mode, you don’t need to specify any authorization tokens.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1

If you have not applied the standard server name and port format, then you should use http://localhost:8001 here as your API host base URL. The base end-points of all the three API servers respond with a small announcement:

    "now": "2022-06-16T10:44:53.970Z",
    "name": "bit-broker coordinator service",
    "base": "http://localhost/coordinator/v1",
    "status": "production"


If you want to completely uninstall this instance of BitBroker, you can follow these steps, from the top-level bit-broker folder:

./development/scripts/ clean
cd ..
rm -rm bit-broker

This will delete the Git cloned folder created earlier.

1.4 - Configuring BitBroker

Configuration options for a BitBroker instance

In the section, we cover how you can configure your BitBroker instance to align to your specific needs.

Environment Settings

In this section, we outline the details of our installation environment file. This file is called .env and resides at the root of the BitBroker file layout.

There is no master record for this in the repository, however there is a file called .env.example, which contains all the most common parameters. You can activate this common set by simply copying this file:

cd bit-broker
cp .env.example .env

Here are all the settings in .env which can be modified:

Parameter Default Description
APP_MODE standard This is reserved for a future feature
APP_SERVER_METRICS false Enables express-prom-bundle to each API server
APP_SERVER_LOGGING false Enables stdout logging to each API server
APP_FILE_LOGGING false Enables file based logging to each API server
APP_DATABASE see .env.example PostgreSQL connection string - use CREDENTIALS as per the default
APP_SECRET see .env.example Instance level secret used to create secure hashes
BOOTSTRAP_USER_EMAIL The email for the bootstrap user
BOOTSTRAP_USER_NAME Admin The name of the bootstrap user
BOOTSTRAP_USER_KEY_ID see .env.example This parameter reserved
COORDINATOR_PORT 8001 The listening port for the coordinator API
COORDINATOR_BASE v1 The version of the coordinator API
COORDINATOR_USER see .env.example Database access for the coordinator API
CONTRIBUTOR_PORT 8002 The listening port for the contributor API
CONTRIBUTOR_BASE v1 The version of the contributor API
CONTRIBUTOR_USER see .env.example Database access for the contributor API
CONSUMER_PORT 8003 The listening port for the consumer API
CONSUMER_BASE v1 The version of the consumer API
CONSUMER_USER see .env.example Database access for the consumer API
POLICY_CACHE see .env.example Redis connection string for the policy cache
AUTH_SERVICE see .env.example End-point for the auth service
RATE_SERVICE see .env.example End-point for the rate service

You will also see some parameters starting with TESTS_ in the .env.example. These are reserved parameters used by the Mocha test suite. You can ignore these values unless you are developing the core system itself.

Advanced Use Cases

In this section, we outline the details of some more advanced use cases.

2 - Key Concepts

All the key concepts that you need to understand to get the best out of BitBroker

BitBroker is made up of a series of interlocking concepts. To get the most out of BitBroker, you should understand what these concepts are and how they work together to form a complete system.

In the section, we outline these key concepts in detail.

2.1 - Introduction

A step-by-step introduction to the BitBroker system

In this section, we will go through all the key concepts which you need to understand to get the best out of BitBroker. The system is made up of a series of interlocking concepts and it’s important to understand how these operate and interact.

Step # 1 - Create Users

All activity within BitBroker is parceled out to known Users and what they can and can’t do is governed by what roles they play. The first step is to learn how to create users and how to assign them roles, depending on what you want them to be able to do.

Read more about Users.

Step # 2 - Create Entity Types

All information within BitBroker is stored and presented within the context of a high level enumeration called Entity Types. These are the object types which are naturally present within the domain under consideration. The next step is to learn how to create and manage entity types.

Read more about Entity Types.

Step # 3 - Create Data Connectors

Next, for each entity type, you can create Data Connectors. Each of these has permission to contribute entity instance records for their given type. BitBroker marshals and manages these contributions, through a set of rules which you can define.

Read more about Data Connectors.

Step # 4 - Populate the Catalog

Data connectors provide records to the BitBroker Catalog. This is a place where the existence of all the entity instances in the domain space are stored, enumerable and searchable. It also provides the route for consumers to search, discover and use entity instance data.

Read more about the Catalog.

Step # 5 - Create Policy

Data Sharing Policies are the main back-bone of the BitBroker system. They are defined by coordinator users, who use them to specify the exact context in which they permit data to be accessed by consumers. In this step, you can learn how to define and manage these vital policies.

Read more about Policies.

Step # 6 - Grant Access

Once all other elements are in place, you can proceed to grant Access to data. In BitBroker, such grants are only permitted within the context of a consumer user and a policy. The connection between these two system concepts is called an access.

Read more about granting Access.

2.2 - Users

Users and their roles within a BitBroker instance

All activity within BitBroker is parceled out to known Users and what they can and can’t do is governed by what roles they play. In this section, we will learn about users: how to create, update and delete them and how user roles are employed to partition functionality and responsibility.

User Roles

All user activity within BitBroker is divided between three logical user roles. Each role has its own responsibilities and access control rules. These three user types come together to form a complete system.

These are “logical” roles and it is perfectly possible for one actual person to be adopting more than one role within a deployed instance.

In practice, users assume a role by being in receipt of an authorization token, which grants them the ability to perform actions using the corresponding API.

In the section, we will outline what the three user roles are. Later sections of this documentation will go on to explain how to create users and grant them such roles.


Coordinators have the most wide-ranging rights within a BitBroker system. They alone have the ability to perform key tasks such as: defining the entity types which are present, giving permission to contribute data and creating policy which governs data access. This is achieved by access to the Coordinator API.

It is envisaged that there will only be a small number of coordinator users within any deployed BitBroker instance. Coordinator roles should be limited to people to whom you want to grant wide responsibility over the entire system. Whilst there can be multiple Coordinators, there can never be zero Coordinators (the system will prevent you from deleting the last Coordinator).


Contributors are users who have permission to contribute data within the context of a single specified entity type, via access to the Contributor API. Such rights can only be granted by a coordinator user.

If a person or organization is contributing data to many entity types within a single instance, they will be adopting multiple, different contributor roles in order to achieve this. Hence, the number of contributors is linked to the number of data connectors which is linked to the number of entity types.


Consumers are the end-users of the system and the people who will be subject to the data access policies created by coordinators.

Consumers come in via the “front door”, which is the Consumer API. They are the people who will be accessing the data to create their own applications and insights - but only ever in the context of a policy declaration which defines what data they can see and how they can access and use it.

There can be an unlimited number of consumer users in an active BitBroker instance.

2.3 - Entity Types

The types of entities which are the basis of a BitBroker instance

All information within BitBroker is stored and presented within the context of a high level enumeration called Entity Types.

Entity types are the object types which are naturally present within the domain under consideration. You can define any create and set of entity types which make sense for your deployed instance. Only coordinator users have the ability to create, delete and modify entity types.

For example, here are some entity type enumerations which may naturally occur in different domains of operation:

Domain Possible Entity Types
Transport bus-stop, bus, timetable, station, road, route, train, etc
Health patient, prescription, doctor, treatment, condition, etc
Manufacturing robot, tool, belt, factory, shift, quota, order, etc

You should choose your entity types with care, since they are difficult to modify once a system is operational.

The list of known entity types forms the entire basis of a BitBroker instance. The Coordinator API documentation contains more detail about how to go about naming entity types and the attributes which must be present in order to create them.

Entity Instances

The whole point of entity types, is to provide some structure for the list of entity instances - which form the bedrock of the data which BitBroker is managing. Entity instances are submitted into the BitBroker catalog via contributions from data connectors.

Entity Schemas

BitBroker is a contribution based system, meaning that data contributed by a community of users. In some cases, these contributors will be people you have direct control over (and may well be other roles you yourself are playing).

However, in other instances, you maybe relying upon second and third parties to be contributing data into your BitBroker instance. It is entirely possible to have multiple contributors, submitting entity instances for a shared entity type.

In scenarios where the contributor community is diverse, it can be helpful to define clear rules as to the nature and quality of the incoming data. Rules can be defined to ensure consistency of data types, formats and representation schemes. It is also vital to ensure semantic alignment between similar concepts being contributed by different users.

This can be achieved within a BitBroker system by specifying a JSON schema per entity type. Once this schema is in place, BitBroker will automatically validate all incoming records against it. Violations will be rejected and contributors will be informed as to the specific reasons why.

Such schemas are an optional extra and may not be required in all instances. You can specify such schemas at the points you create and/or modify entity types.

2.4 - Data Connectors

Data connectors which allow contribution of data into a BitBroker instance

BitBroker is a contribution based system, meaning that data contributed by a community of users. In some cases, these contributors will be people you have direct control over (and may well be other roles you yourself are playing). However, in other instances, you maybe relying upon second and third parties to be contributing data into your BitBroker instance.

The vector through which data contribution is managed is the concept of data connectors. Each entity type within the system should have at least one data connector. However, it is entirely possible for an entity type to be sharing multiple data connectors, all contributing entity instance records for that type.

A data connector can only be contributing data to one entity type. If a party wants to contribute data to multiple entity types, you must create a different connector for each one. These can, in practice, point back to one data connector implementation.

Managing Data Contribution

Whether or not the contribution is coming from internal or external players, the first step in managing the process is to create a data connector - housed within the entity type for which it has permission to submit records. Creating and managing data connectors can only be done by coordinator users.

As part of the creation process for connectors, the system will generate a connector ID and an authorization token. These will be returned to the coordinator user in response to the creation request. The coordinator should communicate these items in a secure manner to the party responsible for implementing the data connector. Here is an example of these items:


Armed with these two items, data connectors can go ahead and contribute entity instance records into the catalog, by using the Contributor API. You should direct new data connectors to the contributor documentation in order to get them started with their implementation.

Live vs Staging Connectors

By default, newly created connectors are not “live”. This means that data which they contribute will not be visible within the Consumer API. Implementing a data connector can be a tricky operation and may require a few attempts before data is being delivered to a sufficient quality. Hence, it is useful to isolate contributions from certain connectors into a “staging space” - so that it doesn’t pollute the public space visible to consumers.

In order to make a connector’s data visible, it must be promoted to live status. Only coordinator users can promote connectors in this way. They can also demote connectors, if they believe their data should no longer be publically visible.

When developing a new connector, it is often useful to be able to see data from it alongside other public data. There is a mechanism available in the Consumer API which allows data connectors to see how their records will look alongside other existing public records.

2.5 - The Catalog

The catalog and how it facilitates search, discovery and access

The BitBroker catalog is a place where the existence of all the entity instances in the domain space are stored, enumerable and searchable. It also provides the route for consumers to search, discover and use entity instance data.

The BitBroker catalog performs the following specific functions:

  1. Records the existence of all domain entity instances
  2. Marshals all domain data into a published entity type enumeration
  3. Presents a small set of global attributes in a consistent manner
  4. Ensures data representation consistency between entity specific properties
  5. Arbitrates the key spaces of the domain systems managed by data connectors
  6. Offers consistent listing, enumeration and search semantics over all entries via the Consumer API
  7. Acts as the bridge to the connected domain systems
  8. Removes the need for users to understand where the source data originated from
  9. Blends data from multiple data connectors for the same entity type
  10. Provides key arbitration between multiple data connectors
  11. Maximizes data interoperability

Consumer access to the the catalog is via its own API, which is a part of the Consumer API.

Data vs Metadata

The catalog is a place to store metadata about entity instances. Consumer use the catalog to search and discover entity instances which are needed for their applications. Once an entity instance has been discovered, its details can be obtained via calls to the relevant part of the Consumer API.

When consumers obtain a detailed record about a particular entity instance, BitBroker will ask it’s submitting data connector directly for it’s live and on-demand information via a webhook. It will then merge this with the catalog record and return the whole to the consumer. The consumer is unaware of the existence of data connectors and even that some data is being drawn on-demand from another system.

What exactly is the difference between metadata and data in this context?

What data should you store in the catalog and what data should you retain for webhook callbacks? There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Typically, you should aim to store information which has a slow change rate in the catalog and retain other information for a callback.

Here are some examples of how this might operate in practice:

Entity Type Catalog Data Live Webhook Data
thermometer location, range, unit value
bus route, seats, operator location
car-park name, location, capacity occupancy

To be clear, data connectors can store everything in the catalog. This has the advantage that everything becomes searchable and they no longer need to host a webhook.

But, on the flip side, they have taken on the burden of sending constant updates to the catalog in order to keep it up to date. Here, the catalog is always likely to be a temporally lagging copy of the source stores.

Ultimately, the decision on how you use the catalog is up to the coordinators and data connector authors.

2.6 - Data Sharing Policy

Create, manage and deploy data sharing policies to grant access to data

Data sharing policies are the main back-bone of the BitBroker system. They are defined by coordinators, who use them to specify the exact context in which they permit data to be accessed by consumers.

Policy definitions can only be submitted by coordinators via the corresponding end-points in the Coordinator API. Once a policy is deployed, accesses can be created which allow consumers to interact with the data specified in the ways allowed.

A policy definition is made up of three sections. We will outline each in detail.

Data Segment

The data segment section of a policy definition, defines the maximum subset of data which will be visible when users access the Consumer API via a policy authorization token. The combination of a consumer authorization token and a policy authorization token, is locked within a data segment. There is no action they can perform with the Consumer API to break out in the wider catalog of data.

A data segment definition is made up of the following attributes:

Attribute Necessity Description
A valid catalog query, from the Consumer API
Defines the visible subset of data
An array of strings
Attributes to be masked out of returned documents

Data segments are defined via the same semantics as users searching the catalog using catalog queries. You should think of your data segment as a second query which will be boolean and with the user’s queries.

Field masks are a way of removing individual attributes from entity instance data records. You can only remove attributes from within the entity section of the overall document. You do this by specifying an array of strings, where each one is [entity-type].[attribute].

For example, if you specify [ "", "", "country.location" ] then three attributes will be removed from the entity section of all returned documents. So this record:

    "id": "GB",
    "name": "United Kingdom",
    "entity": {
        "area": 242900,
        "calling_code": 44,
        "code": "GB",
        "continent": "Europe",
        "currency": {
            "code": "GBP"
        "landlocked": false,
        "location": {
            "coordinates": [
            "type": "Point"
        "population": 66040229,
        "link": ""

will be returned like this, for in-policy calls:

    "id": "GB",
    "name": "United Kingdom",
    "entity": {
        "area": 242900,
        "calling_code": 44,
        "capital": "London",
        "code": "GB",
        "continent": "Europe",
        "currency": {
            "code": "GBP",
            "name": "Sterling"
        "landlocked": false,
        "population": 66040229,
        "link": ""

Access Control

The access control section of a policy definition, defines the ways in which users can interact with the Consumer API via a policy authorization token. An access control definition is made up of the following attributes:

Attribute Necessity Description
Whether or not to use access control
An object describing allowable data quotas
A number of calls for the quota
The quota period of either day or month
The maximum calls-per-second rate

If you do not want to use the access control section, you can simply specify false for the enabled attribute. In this case, all other attributes will be ignored and the consumer will enjoy unrestricted access rates to the Consumer API.

As an example, if you specify the following:

    "enabled": true,
    "quota": {
        "max_number": 86400,
        "interval_type": "day"
    "rate": 250

Users with a policy authorization token will be able to make calls at a maximum rate of 250-per-second and with a maximum quota of 86,400-per-day.

The legal context section of a policy definition, defines the legal basis on which data access is permitted. A legal notice will be present at the end of every entity instance record returned by any part of the Consumer API.

These legal notices are in the form of a JSON array of objects, each with three attributes:

Attribute Necessity Description
The type of the legal notice
The description of the legal notice
A link for more information about the legal notice

Examples of types of legal notices which may be present are:

Type Description
attribution How the data should be attributed within your application
contact Who to contact about the data and it’s use
license The licenses under which this data sharing operates
note Ad hoc notes about the data and/or it’s use
source Information about the source or origination of the data
terms The terms and conditions of use for the data

It is possible that you may have more information about the legal basis on the use of your data by consumers. You may, for example, require consumers to perform additional legal steps in order to be given a consumer authorization token. This is outside the current scope of BitBroker.

2.7 - User Data Access

Managing data consumers and their associated data access tokens

Access to data within a BitBroker instance is always permitted within the context of a consumer and a policy. The connection between these two system concepts is called an access.

In practice, these are manifested as authorization tokens which authorize the consumer’s calls to the Consumer API. Such accesses can only be created, managed and rescinded by coordinator users.

Since an access is in the context of a policy, it restricts its holder to the designated data segment and access control.

2.8 - Developer Portal

Create, deploy and operate a branded developer portal to manage your data user community.

Coming Soon…

3 - API Conventions

Foundational conventions which cut-across all the BitBroker API sets

All the APIs within BitBroker conform to a common set of core principles. These are consistently applied across each API set:

In the section, we outline these foundational principles in detail.

3.1 - API Architecture

How the APIs are structured and formatted

All the API sets within BitBroker conform to the commonly accepted standards of a RESTful API.

There are many resources around the web to learn and understand what RESTful APIs are and how to work with them. If you are unfamiliar with this API architecture, we encourage you to investigate it further before you use the BitBroker APIs.

Resource Manipulation

RESTful APIs use HTTP concepts to access and manipulate resources on the hosting server. Typical manipulations are to Create, Update and Delete resources. As with the standard RESTful convention, BitBroker maps HTTP methods to resource actions as follows:

HTTP Method Resource Action
HTTP/GET Read a resource or a list of resources
HTTP/POST Create a new resource
HTTP/PUT Update an existing resource
HTTP/DELETE Delete an existing resource

Data Exchange

All data exchange with BitBroker APIs, both to and from the server, is in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.

When posting data via an API (most often as part of a create or update action), the message body must be a valid JSON document and all the JSON keys within it should be “double-quoted”. If you are seeing validation errors indicating the JSON is incorrectly formed, you might want to try a JSON validator to get more detailed validation information.

When posting data via an API, the HTTP header Content-Type should always be set to application/json.

API Responses

RESTful APIs use HTTP response codes to indicate the return status from the call. BitBroker uses a subset of the standard HTTP response codes and maps them to call state as follows:

HTTP Response Type API Call State
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
The request completed successfully and data is present in the response body
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
The requested resource was successfully created - the new resource’s URI will be returned in the Location attribute of the response header
HTTP/1.1 204 OK
The request completed successfully, but there is no data in the response body
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
The request was rejected because it resulted in validation errors - for example, a mandatory attribute was not sent in the request
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
The request was rejected because it contains an unapproved context - for example, a supplied authorization token was not valid or has expired (most often a failure of authorization)
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
The request was rejected because it contains an invalid or expired context - for example, a supplied authorization token referring to a deleted policy
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
The request was rejected because the specified resource is not present
HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
The request was rejected because the action is not permitted - for example, a user deleting themselves
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
The request was rejected because the action would cause a conflict on existing resource state - for example, creating a policy with a duplicate id
HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
The request was rejected because a limit has been exceeded - for example, the policy defined call rate or call quota has been breached

Whenever you receive an error response (HTTP/1.1 4**), the response body will contain further information within a standard error response format.

API Versioning

As the system develops, there may be changes to the API structure to encompass new concepts or features. Where API modifications imply code changes for existing clients, a new version of the API will be released.

All the APIs within BitBroker include a version string as the lead resource. For example, the /v1/ part of the following:


A version string must be present in every API call in each API set.

3.2 - Authorization and Tokens

How to send authorized requests to BitBroker APIs

All the API sets within BitBroker require authorization by callers. Whilst the process for authorization is common across the APIs, the context and reasons for authorization differ:

Except in some development modes, there is no access to BitBroker services without authorization and hence without having a corresponding authorization token.

Authorizing API calls

When you have obtained the relevant authorization token (see below), you can use it to authorize API calls by using a specified HTTP header attribute. The same authorization header structure is used for all three BitBroker API sets.

x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-will-go-here

The header must be exactly as it appears here, with the same casing and without spaces. If you do not correctly specify the authorization header, or you use an invalid authorization token, you will get an HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized error.

Testing your Authorization Token

It can be useful to make test calls to the API to check that your authorization token is valid and that your authorization header is formatted correctly.

The base end-point of all the three API servers respond with a small announcement. Like all BitBroker API end-points, these require a working authorization to be in place. Hence, this announcement can be used for testing or verification purposes.

See the section on testing installations for Kubernetes or local modes for more details.

You are encouraged to make successful test calls to these end-points before launching into more complex scenarios.

Obtaining an Authorization Token

The method used to obtain an authorization token differs across the three API sets. However, once you have a authorization token, the mechanics of authorization are the same. All authorization tokens are in the form of a long hexadecimal string, such as:


These authorization tokens should be kept by their owner in a secure location and never shared with unauthorized users.

Obtaining a Coordinator Authorization Token

Coordinator authorization tokens are required to authorize calls to the Coordinator API. This API is used to perform administrative services for a BitBroker instance.

Coordinator authorization tokens are obtained by utilizing end-points on the Coordinator API, in order to promote a user to coordinator status. To do this you must first create a new user and then you must promote that user to be a coordinator.

Once you promote a user to be a coordinator, then their coordinator authorization token will be returned in the body of the response to that API call.

If a coordinator authorization token is lost, then a new token will have to be generated. This can be done by first demoting the user from being a coordinator and then promoting them again. Note that, in this scenario, the old coordinator authorization token will be rescinded.

Obtaining a Contributor Authorization Token

Contributor authorization tokens are required to authorize calls to the Contributor API. This API is used to contribute data to a designated entity type.

Contributor authorization tokens are obtained by utilizing end-points on the Coordinator API, in order to create a connector on a given entity type.

Once the connector is created, then its contribution authorization token will be returned in the body of the response to that API call. More information about data connectors and data contribution is available in the key concepts section of this documentation.

If a contributor authorization token is lost, then a new token will have to be generated. This can be done by first deleting the connector and then creating it afresh. Note that, in this scenario, the old contributor authorization token will be rescinded.

It is expected that the coordinator user, who creates the data connector, will distribute the contribution authorization token in a secure manner to the relevant party.

Obtaining a Consumer Token

Consumer authorization tokens are required to authorize calls to the Consumer API. This API is used to access data via a policy definition.

Consumer authorization tokens are obtained by utilizing end-points on the Coordinator API. To do this you must create an access, which is a link between a user and a policy definition.

Once you create such an access, then the consumer authorization token will be returned in the body of the response to that API call.

If a consumer authorization token is lost, then you can reissue the access to obtain a new token. Note that, in this scenario, the old consumer authorization token will be rescinded.

3.3 - Error Handling

How API errors are handled and communicated

All errors returned by all API services are presented in a standard error format. This complete list of errors which you may encounter are listed in the earlier page detailing the API architecture.

Standard Error Format

All errors will be present in a common structure as follows:

    "error": {
        "code": 404,
        "status": "Not Found",
        "message": ""

In such circumstances, there will only ever be one error object with the following attributes:

Attribute Presence Description
The standard HTTP response code
The standard text associated with the HTTP response code
A string (sometimes) containing extra information about the error condition

Validation Error Format

In situations which lead to a validation error on inbound data, the response code will always be HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request. In the case of such errors, the message attribute will always contain an array of validation errors:

    "error": {
        "code": 400,
        "status": "Bad Request",
        "message": [
                "name": "name",
                "index": null,
                "reason": "does not meet minimum length of 1"
                "name": "email",
                "index": null,
                "reason": "does not conform to the 'email' format"

Here, the message attributes will be as follows:

Attribute Presence Description
An array of validation error objects
A string indicating the id of the erroring attribute - this can be present multiple times, when there are multiple validation issues with the same attribute
An integer indicating the index of the erroring item, when it is within an array - this will be null for attributes which are not arrays
A string indicating the validation error

The validation error structure is designed to make it simple to integrate such errors into an end-user experience.

4 - Coordinator API

The main administrative API for the management of users, entity types, connectors and policies

The Coordinator API is the main administrative API for the BitBroker system. It is the API you will need to use to create and manipulate all the main system elements required to operate a BitBroker instance.

4.1 - Users

APIs for creating and manipulating users

Users are a main component of the BitBroker system. You will find more details about users, within the key concepts section of this documentation.

Creating a New User

New users can be created by issuing an HTTP/POST to the /user end-point.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user \
     --request POST \
     --include \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here" \
     --data-binary @- << EOF
     { \
         "name": "Alice", \
         "email": "" \

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2

The ID for the new user will be returned within the Location attribute of the response header.

The following validation rules will be applied to the body of a new user request.

Attribute Necessity Validation Rules
String between 1 and 64 characters long
String between 1 and 256 characters long
Must conform to email address format
Must be unique across all users in the system

New users will be present in the system right away. They can immediately take part as data consumers by being assigned policy-based, consumer authorization tokens. However, a further step is required to promote them to have coordinator status.

Updating a User

Existing users can have their profile updated by issuing an HTTP/PUT to the /user/:uid end-point.

In order to update a user, you must know their user ID (uid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2 \
     --request PUT \
     --include \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here" \
     --data-binary @- << EOF
     { \
         "name": "Bob" \

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

The validation rules for updated user information, are the same as that for creating new users.

List of Existing Users

You can obtain a list of all the existing users by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /user end-point.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON array as follows:

        "id": 1,
        "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/1",
        "name": "Admin",
        "email": "",
        "coordinator": true,
        "accesses": []
        "id": 2,
        "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2",
        "name": "Bob",
        "email": "",
        "coordinator": false,
        "accesses": []
    // ... other users here

Each user on the system will be returned within this array. Later sections of this document will explain what the coordinator and accesses attributes refer to. Note: There is currently no paging on this API.

Details of an Existing User

You can obtain the details of an existing user by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /user/:uid end-point.

In order to obtain details of a user, you must know their user ID (uid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2 \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON object as follows:

    "id": 2,
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2",
    "name": "Bob",
    "email": "",
    "coordinator": false,
    "accesses": [],
    "addendum": {}

Later sections of this document will explain what the coordinator, accesses and addendum attributes refer to.

Finding a User via Email Address

You can find an existing user via their email address by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /user/email/:email end-point.

In order to obtain details of a user, you must know their current email address.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/email/ \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON object as follows:

    "id": 2,
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2",
    "name": "Bob",
    "email": "",
    "coordinator": false,
    "accesses": [],
    "addendum": {}

Promoting a User to Coordinator

Existing users can be promoted to assign them coordinator status by issuing an HTTP/POST to the /user/:uid/coordinator end-point.

In order to promote a user, you must know their user ID (uid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/coordinator \
     --request POST \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The body of this response will contain the coordinator authorization token, which the newly promoted user should utilize to authorize their own calls to the Coordinator API. For example:


Promoted users will gain coordinator privileges right away. When getting details for such users, their coordinator status will be reflected in the coordinator attribute:

    "id": 2,
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2",
    "name": "Bob",
    "email": "",
    "coordinator": true,  // this is the new coordinator status
    "accesses": [],
    "addendum": {}

Demoting a User from Coordinator

Existing users can be demoted from coordinator status by issuing an HTTP/DELETE to the /user/:uid/coordinator end-point.

In order to demote a user, you must know their user ID (uid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/coordinator \
     --request DELETE \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Demoted users will lose coordinator privileges right away. The coordinator authorization token they were holding will no longer be valid. When getting details for such users, their coordinator status will be reflected in the coordinator attribute:

    "id": 2,
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2",
    "name": "Bob",
    "email": "",
    "coordinator": false,  // this is the new coordinator status
    "accesses": [],
    "addendum": {}

Deleting a User

Existing users can be deleted from the system by issuing an HTTP/DELETE to the /user/:uid end-point.

In order to delete a user, you must know their user ID (uid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2 \
     --request DELETE \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

User Addendum Information

Observant readers will have noticed an addendum section at the bottom of the user details object:

    "id": 2,
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2",
    "name": "Bob",
    "email": "",
    "coordinator": false,  
    "accesses": [],
    "addendum": {}  // this is the addendum section

This section is reserved for use by the up-coming BitBroker Portal. We request that you do not use this section at this time.

4.2 - Entity Types

APIs for creating and manipulating entity types

Entity Types are a main component of the BitBroker system. You will find more details about entity types, within the key concepts section of this documentation.

Creating a New Entity Type

New entity types can be created by issuing an HTTP/POST to the /entity/:eid end-point.

In order to create an entity type, you must select a unique entity type ID (eid) for it.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country \
     --request POST \
     --include \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here" \
     --data-binary @- << EOF
     { \
         "name": "Countries",  \
         "description": "All the countries in the world as defined by the UN", \
         "schema": {}, \
         "timeseries": { \
             "population": { \
                 "period": "P1Y", \
                 "value": "people", \
                 "unit": "x1000" \
             } \
         } \

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country

The following validation rules will be applied to the body of a new entity type request.

Attribute Necessity Validation Rules
String between 3 and 32 characters long
Consisting of lowercase letters, numbers and dashes only
Starting with a lowercase letter
Conforming to the regex expression ^[a-z][a-z0-9-]+$
String between 1 and 64 characters long
String between 1 and 2048 characters long
A valid JSON Schema document
A list of timeseries which are present on this entity type
String between 3 and 32 characters long
Consisting of lowercase letters, numbers and dashes only
Starting with a lowercase letter
Conforming to the regex expression ^[a-z][a-z0-9-]+$
A string conforming to the ISO8601 duration format
String between 1 and 256 characters long
String between 1 and 256 characters long

Details about the meaning of these attributes can be found within the key concepts section of this documentation. The schema attribute is a powerful concept, which is explained in more detail there.

Updating an Entity Type

Existing entity types can have their profile updated by issuing an HTTP/PUT to the /entity/:eid end-point.

In order to update an entity type, you must know its entity type ID (eid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country \
     --request PUT \
     --include \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here" \
     --data-binary @- << EOF
     { \
         "name": "Countries",  \
         "description": "This is a new description for countries", \
         "schema": {}, \
         "timeseries": { \
             "population": { \
                 "period": "P1Y", \
                 "value": "people", \
                 "unit": "x1000" \
             } \
         } \

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

The validation rules for updated entity type information, are the same as that for creating new entity types.

List of Existing Entity Types

You can obtain a list of all the existing entity types by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /entity end-point.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON array as follows:

        "id": "country",
        "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country",
        "name": "Countries",
        "description": "This is a new description for countries"
    // ... other entity types here

Each entity type on the system will be returned within this array. Note: There is currently no paging on this API.

Details of an Existing Entity Type

You can obtain the details of an existing entity type by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /entity/:eid end-point.

In order to obtain details of an entity type, you must know its entity type ID (eid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON object as follows:

    "id": "country",
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country",
    "name": "Countries",
    "description": "This is a new description for countries",
    "schema": {},
    "timeseries": {
        "population": {
            "unit": "x1000",
            "value": "people",
            "period": "P1Y"

Deleting an Entity Type

Existing entity types can be deleted from the system by issuing an HTTP/DELETE to the /entity/:eid end-point.

In order to delete an entity type, you must know its entity type ID (eid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country \
     --request DELETE \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

4.3 - Data Connectors

APIs for creating and manipulating data connectors

Connectors are a main component of the BitBroker system. You will find more details about connectors, within the key concepts section of this documentation.

Connectors are always created within the context of housing entity types, which can be created and manipulated using other part of this API, described earlier in this documentation.

Creating a New Connector

New connectors can be created by issuing an HTTP/POST to the /entity/:eid/connector/:cid end-point.

Connectors are always created within the context of a housing entity type and, hence, you must know its ID (eid). In order to create a connector, you must select a unique connector ID (cid) for it.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country/connector/wikipedia \
     --request POST \
     --include \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here" \
     --data-binary @- << EOF
     { \
         "name": "Wikipedia", \
         "description": "Country information from Wikipedia", \
         "webhook": "", \
         "cache": 0 \

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country/connector/wikipedia

The body of this response will contain the connector ID and connector authorization token, which the new data connector should utilize to make its data contributions. For example:


The following validation rules will be applied to the body of a new connector request.

Attribute Necessity Validation Rules
String between 3 and 32 characters long
Consisting of lowercase letters, numbers and dashes only
Starting with a lowercase letter
Conforming to the regex expression ^[a-z][a-z0-9-]+$
String between 1 and 64 characters long
String between 1 and 2048 characters long
String between 1 and 1024 characters long
Must conform to URI format
Integer between 0 and 31536000

Details about the meaning of these attributes can be found within the key concepts section of this documentation.

Updating a connector

Existing connectors can have their profile updated by issuing an HTTP/PUT to the /entity/:eid/connector/:cid end-point.

In order to update a connector, you must know the ID of its housing entity type (eid) and it’s connector ID (cid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country/connector/wikipedia \
     --request PUT \
     --include \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here" \
     --data-binary @- << EOF
     { \
         "name": "Wikipedia", \
         "description": "A new description for the Wikipedia connector", \
         "webhook": "", \
         "cache": 0 \

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

The validation rules for updated connector information, are the same as that for creating new connectors.

List of Existing Connectors

You can obtain a list of all the existing connectors housed within a parent entity type by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /entity/:eid/connector end-point.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country/connector \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON array as follows:

        "id": "wikipedia",
        "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country/connector/wikipedia",
        "name": "Wikipedia",
        "description": "A new description for the Wikipedia connector"
    // ... other connectors here

Each connector, housed within a parent entity type, will be returned within this array. Note: There is currently no paging on this API.

Details of an Existing Connector

You can obtain the details of an existing connector by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /entity/:eid/connector/:cid end-point.

In order to obtain details of a connector, you must know the ID of its housing entity type (eid) and it’s connector ID (cid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country/connector/wikipedia \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON object as follows:

    "id": "wikipedia",
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country/connector/wikipedia",
    "name": "Wikipedia",
    "description": "A new description for the Wikipedia connector",
    "entity": {
        "id": "country",
        "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country"
    "contribution_id": "9afcf3235500836c6fcd9e82110dbc05ffbb734b",
    "webhook": "",
    "cache": 0,
    "is_live": false,
    "in_session": false

Other sections of this document will explain what the is_live and in_session attributes refer to.

Promoting a Connector to Live

Connectors can be promoted to live status by issuing an HTTP/POST to the /entity/:eid/connector/:cid/live end-point.

In order to promote a connector, you must know the ID of its housing entity type (eid) and it’s connector ID (cid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country/connector/wikipedia/live \
     --request POST \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

When getting details for promoted connectors, their is_live status will be reflected in the corresponding attribute:

    "id": "wikipedia",
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country/connector/wikipedia",
    "name": "Wikipedia",
    "description": "A new description for the Wikipedia connector",
    "entity": {
        "id": "country",
        "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country"
    "contribution_id": "9afcf3235500836c6fcd9e82110dbc05ffbb734b",
    "webhook": "",
    "cache": 0,
    "is_live": true,
    "in_session": false

Demoting a Connector from Live

Existing connectors can be demoted from live status by issuing an HTTP/DELETE to the /entity/:eid/connector/:cid/live end-point.

In order to demote a connector, you must know the ID of its housing entity type (eid) and it’s connector ID (cid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country/connector/wikipedia/live \
     --request DELETE \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

When getting details for such users, their is_live status will be reflected in the corresponding attribute:

    "id": "wikipedia",
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country/connector/wikipedia",
    "name": "Wikipedia",
    "description": "A new description for the Wikipedia connector",
    "entity": {
        "id": "country",
        "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country"
    "contribution_id": "9afcf3235500836c6fcd9e82110dbc05ffbb734b",
    "webhook": "",
    "cache": 0,
    "is_live": false,
    "in_session": false

Deleting a connector

Existing connectors can be deleted from the system by issuing an HTTP/DELETE to the /entity/:eid/connector/:cid end-point.

In order to delete a connector, you must know the ID of its housing entity type (eid) and it’s connector ID (cid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/entity/country/connector/wikipedia \
     --request DELETE \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

4.4 - Data Sharing Policy

APIs for creating and manipulating policies

Data Sharing Policies are a main component of the BitBroker system. You will find more details about policies, within the key concepts section of this documentation.

Creating a New Policy

New policies can be created by issuing an HTTP/POST to the /policy/:pid end-point.

In order to create a policy, you must select a unique policy ID (pid) for it.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy/over-a-billion \
     --request POST \
     --include \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here" \
     --data-binary @- << EOF
     { \
         "name": "The Most Populated Countries", \
         "description": "Countries with a population of over a billion", \
         "policy": { \
             "access_control": { \
                 "enabled": true, \
                 "quota": { \
                     "max_number": 86400, \
                     "interval_type": "day" \
                 }, \
                 "rate": 250 \
             }, \
             "data_segment": { \
                 "segment_query": { \
                     "type": "country", \
                     "entity.population": { "$gt": 1000000000 } \
                 }, \
                 "field_masks": [] \
             }, \
             "legal_context": [ { \
                     "type": "attribution", \
                     "text": "Data is supplied by Wikipedia", \
                     "link": "" \
                 } \
             ] \
         } \

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy/country

The following validation rules will be applied to the body of a new policy request.

Attribute Necessity Validation Rules
String between 3 and 32 characters long
Consisting of lowercase letters, numbers and dashes only
Starting with a lowercase letter
Conforming to the regex expression ^[a-z][a-z0-9-]+$
String between 1 and 64 characters long
String between 1 and 2048 characters long
An object describing how data can be accessed
A boolean string either true or false
An object describing allowable data quotas
An integer greater than 0
One of an enumeration of either day or month
An integer greater than 0
An object outlining the shared data subset
A valid catalog query, from the Consumer API
An array of strings
An empty array
An array of 0 to 100 of object outlining the legal basis of data sharing
One of an enumeration attribution, contact license, note, source or terms
String between 1 and 256 characters long
String between 1 and 1024 characters long
Must conform to URI format

Details about the meaning of these attributes can be found within the key concepts section of this documentation.

Updating a Policy

Existing policies can have their profile updated by issuing an HTTP/PUT to the /policy/:pid end-point.

In order to update a policy, you must know its policy ID (pid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy/over-a-billion \
     --request PUT \
     --include \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here" \
     --data-binary @- << EOF
     { \
         "name": "This is a new name", \
         "description": "This is a new description", \
         "policy": { \
             "access_control": { \
                 "enabled": true, \
                 "quota": { \
                     "max_number": 86400, \
                     "interval_type": "day" \
                 }, \
                 "rate": 250 \
             }, \
             "data_segment": { \
                 "segment_query": { \
                     "type": "country", \
                     "entity.population": { "$gt": 1000000000 } \
                 }, \
                 "field_masks": [] \
             }, \
             "legal_context": [ { \
                     "type": "attribution", \
                     "text": "Data is supplied by Wikipedia", \
                     "link": "" \
                 } \
             ] \
         } \

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

The validation rules for updated policy information, are the same as that for creating new policies.

List of Existing Policies

You can obtain a list of all the existing policies by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /policy end-point.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON array as follows:

        "id": "over-a-billion",
        "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy/over-a-billion",
        "name": "This is a new name",
        "description": "This is a new description"
    // ... other policies here

Each policy on the system will be returned within this array. Note: There is currently no paging on this API.

Details of an Existing Policy

You can obtain the details of an existing policy by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /policy/:pid end-point.

In order to obtain details of a policy, you must know its policy ID (pid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy/over-a-billion \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON object as follows:

    "id": "over-a-billion",
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy/over-a-billion",
    "name": "This is a new name",
    "description": "This is a new description",
    "policy": {
        "data_segment": {
            "field_masks": [],
            "segment_query": {
                "type": "country",
                "entity.population": {
                    "$gt": 1000000000
        "legal_context": [
                "link": "",
                "text": "Data is supplied by Wikipedia",
                "type": "attribution"
        "access_control": {
            "rate": 250,
            "quota": {
                "max_number": 86400,
                "interval_type": "day"
            "enabled": true

Deleting a Policy

Existing policies can be deleted from the system by issuing an HTTP/DELETE to the /policy/:pid end-point.

In order to delete a policy, you must know its policy ID (pid).

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy/over-a-billion \
     --request DELETE \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

4.5 - User Data Access

APIs for creating and managing user’s data access

Data access is a main component of the BitBroker system. You will find more details about data access, within the key concepts section of this documentation.

Accesses are always created within the context of a user and a policy. These can be created and manipulated using other parts of this API, described elsewhere in this documentation.

Creating a New Access

New accesses can be created by issuing an HTTP/POST to the /user/:uid/access/:pid end-point.

Accesses are always created within the context of a user and a policy. Hence, you must know the user ID (uid) and the policy ID (pid) in order to create one.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion \
     --request POST \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy/country

The body of this response will contain the authorization token, which the user should utilize to authorize their calls to the Consumer API. For example:


Reissuing an Access

Existing accesses can be reissued by issuing an HTTP/PUT to the /user/:uid/access/:pid end-point.

Accesses are always created within the context of a user and a policy. Hence, you must know the user ID (uid) and the policy ID (pid) in order to reissue one.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion \
     --request PUT \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

The body of this response will contain the new authorization token, which the user should utilize to authorize their calls to the Consumer API. For example:


List of Accesses

You can obtain a list of all the existing accesses a user has by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /user/:uid/access end-point.

Accesses are always created within the context of a user and, hence, you must know the user ID (uid) to list their accesses.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON array as follows:

        "id": "over-a-billion",
        "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion",
        "policy": {
            "id": "over-a-billion",
            "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy/over-a-billion"
        "created": "2022-06-01T14:18:30.635Z"
    // ... other accesses here

Each access the user has will be returned within this array. Note: There is currently no paging on this API.

A shorter list of accesses by user can also be obtained when you ask for the details of an individual user. For example:

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2 \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON array as follows:

    "id": 2,
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2",
    "name": "Alice",
    "email": "",
    "coordinator": false,
    "accesses": [
            "id": "over-a-billion",
            "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion"
        // ... other accesses here
    "addendum": {}

Details of an Existing Access

You can obtain the details of an existing access by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /user/:uid/access/:pid end-point.

Accesses are always created within the context of a user and a policy. Hence, you must know the user ID (uid) and the policy ID (pid) to get its details.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will return a JSON object as follows:

    "id": "over-a-billion",
    "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion",
    "policy": {
        "id": "over-a-billion",
        "url": "http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/policy/over-a-billion"
    "created": "2022-06-01T14:18:30.635Z"

Deleting an Access

Existing accesses can be deleted from the system by issuing an HTTP/DELETE to the /user/:uid/access/:pid end-point.

Accesses are always created within the context of a user and a policy. Hence, you must know the user ID (uid) and the policy ID (pid) to delete one.

curl http://bbk-coordinator:8001/v1/user/2/access/over-a-billion \
     --request DELETE \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

5 - Contributor API

The API for managing the contribution of data to a BitBroker instance

The Contributor API is the API which is used for submitting data contributions into the BitBroker catalog. It is tightly connected with the concepts of entity types and their associated data connectors.

It is important that you understand these, and other key concepts, before you begin using the Contributor API.

5.1 - Contributing Records

How connectors contribute entity instance records to BitBroker

All the data being managed by a BitBroker instance, enters the system via the Contribution API. The process of contributing such data is documented in detail in this section.

In this section, we will consider the basic use case of contributing entity instance records. Later sections of this documentation will detail how you can contribute live, on-demand data and timeseries data.

Contributing Records to the Catalog

We will assume for the purposes of this section that an entity type and it’s associated data connector have been created and are present within the system. Further, that the connector ID and authorization token, which were obtained when the data connecter was created, have been recorded and are available.

Data can now be contributed into the catalog by this data connector, but within the context of its parent entity type only. Hence, we say that a single connector contributes “entity instance records”. If one organization wants to contribute data to multiple entity types, then they must do this via multiple data connectors.

The process of contributing entity instance records into the catalog breaks down into three steps:

  1. Create a data contribution session
  2. Upsert and/or delete records into this session
  3. Close the session

These steps are achieved via an HTTP based API, which we outline in detail below. Each data connector will have a private end-point on this API which is waiting for its contributions.


Sessions are used by the Contribution API to manage inbound data coming from the community of data connectors. Sessions allow the connectors to contribute entity instance records in well-defined ways, which are respectful of the state management of the source data store.

BitBroker supports three types of sessions: stream, accrue and replace. Each one provides for different update and delete contexts.

The three types of session provide for different application logic in the following areas:

  • Whether data is available to consumers whilst the session is still open or only after is it closed.
  • Whether the data provided within a session adds to or replaces earlier data from your connector.

Here is the detail of how each session type functions:

Area Stream Accrue Replace
Data visibility as soon as posted on session close on session close
Data from previous session in addition to in addition to replaces entirely

Let’s explore each of these in more detail:

Stream Sessions

Stream sessions are likely to be the default mode of operation for most data connectors. Inbound entity instance records arrive in the catalog as soon as they are posted and whilst the session remains open. They are immediately available to consumers to view via the Consumer API.

New records are in addition to existing records in the catalog and removal must be explicitly requested. Closing a stream session is a moot operation, since the session type is essentially an “open pipe” into the catalog. In fact, stream sessions can be opened and left open indefinitely.

Type Session Action
session data is already visible, in addition to previous data
no operation - session data is already visible, in addition to previous data
no operation - session data is already visible, in addition to previous data

Accrue Sessions

Accrue sessions are useful when entity instance records should only become visible as complete sets. In this scenario, the entity instance records contributed within a session, only become visible via the Consumer API when the session is closed - and hence only as a complete set.

New records are in addition to existing records in the catalog and removal must be explicitly requested. When you close an accrue session, you must specify a commit state as true or false. Closing the session with true makes the contributed records visible in the Consumer API, but closing it with false will discard all the records contributed within that session.

Type Close Action
session data not visible, but previous data is
session data now becomes visible, in addition to previous data
session data is discarded and previous data persists

Replace Sessions

Replace sessions are useful when contributed entity instance records should completely replace the set provided in previous sessions. In this scenario, the entity instance records contributed within a session, become visible via the Consumer API when the session is closed as a complete set - but all the records contributed in earlier sessions are discarded. Replace sessions are useful when you cannot maintain state about earlier contributions, and hence each contribution is a complete statement of your record set.

New records are in replacement for existing records in the catalog and removal of these “old” records is implicit. When you close an accrue session, you must specify a commit state as true or false. Closing the session with true makes the contributed records visible in the Consumer API and deletes records from previous sessions. However, closing it with false will discard all the records contributed within that session and previously contributed records will remain untouched.

Type Close Action
session data not visible, but previous data is
session data now becomes visible and replaces all previous data
session data is discarded and previous data persists

As you can see, picking the right session type is vitally important to ensure you make the best use of the catalog. In general, you should aim to use a stream type session where you can, as this is the simplest.

If you don’t want clients to be able to see intermediate updates in the catalog, then accrue and replace may be better options. Where you don’t want to (or can’t) store any state about what you previously sent to the catalog, then replace is probably the best option.

Using Sessions

There are only three HTTP calls which your data connectors need make in order to contribute records into the catalog.

Opening a Session

New sessions can be created by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /connector/:cid/session/open/:mode end-point.

In order to open a session, you must know the connector ID (cid). This should have been communicated to you by the coordinator user who created your data connector within BitBroker.

You will also need to select one of the three session modes from stream, accure and replace. These should be specified in lowercase and without any spaces.

curl http://bbk-contributor:8002/v1/connector/9afcf3235500836c6fcd9e82110dbc05ffbb734b/session/open/stream \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The body of this response will contain a session ID (sid), which should be recorded as it will be needed for subsequent API calls. For example:


Posting Records in a Session

Once you have an open session, you can post two types of actions to it in order to manipulate your catalog entries.

  • upsert to update or insert a record into the catalog
  • delete to remove an existing record from the catalog

Entity instance records can be upserted or deleted by issuing an HTTP/POST to the /connector/:cid/session/:sid/:action end-point.

In order to post record actions, you must know the connector ID (cid). This should have been communicated to you by the coordinator user who created your data connector within BitBroker. You must also know the session ID (sid), which was returned in the previous step where a session was opened.

Finally, you will also need to select one of the two valid actions from upsert and delete. These should be specified in lowercase and without any spaces.

curl http://bbk-contributor:8002/v1/connector/9afcf3235500836c6fcd9e82110dbc05ffbb734b/session/4527eff4-d9cf-41c0-9ecc-8e06b57fcf54/upsert \
     --request POST \
     --include \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here" \
     --data-binary @- << EOF
     [ ]

In the example above, we upsert an empty array - this is obviously not useful. Let’s now look in detail about how records are inserted, update and deleted using this API call.

Upserting records

When you post an upsert request, you should include an array of entity instances in JSON format within your post body. Each record can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Necessity Validation Rules
String between 1 and 64 characters long
String between 1 and 64 characters long
An object conforming to the entity schema for this entity type
An object containing other, ancillary information

It is important to understand the difference between the three classes of attributes which you can be present within each entity instance record:

Global Attributes

These attributes are required to be present for entity instance in the system, regardless of its entity type. This set consists of only these attributes:

Attribute Description
id Your domain key for this entity instance
name A human-readable name describing this entity instance
Entity Attributes

These attributes are required to be present for entity instance in the system, of a given entity type. This set of attributes will have been communicated to you by the coordinator user who created your connector within BitBroker. It will presented in the form of a JSON schema.

Instance Attributes

These attributes only exist for a given entity instance in the system. This is a free format object which can be used to store additional or ancillary information.

This simple hierarchy of three classes (global, entity and instance) is designed to give consumers maximum assurance about which data can be expected to be available to them:

  • They can always expect to find the global data present
  • They have firm expectations about data availability within an entity type
  • They understand that instance data is ad-hoc and cannot be relied upon

Here is the post body for an example upsert request for a set of three records:

        "id": "GB",
        "name": "United Kingdom",
        "entity": {
            "area": 242900,
            "calling_code": 44,
            "capital": "London",
            "code": "GB",
            "continent": "Europe",
            "currency": {
                "code": "GBP",
                "name": "Sterling"
            "population": 66040229
        "id": "IN",
        "name": "India",
        "entity": {
            "area": 3287263,
            "calling_code": 91,
            "capital": "New Delhi",
            "code": "IN",
            "continent": "Asia",
            "currency": {
                "code": "INR",
                "name": "Indian Rupee"
            "population": 1344860000
        "instance": {
            "independence": 1947
        "id": "BR",
        "name": "Brazil",
        "entity": {
            "area": 8547403,
            "calling_code": 55,
            "capital": "Brasilia",
            "code": "BR",
            "continent": "South America",
            "currency": {
                "code": "BRL",
                "name": "Brazilian Real"
            "population": 209659000
        "instance": {}

Whenever records are upserted into the catalog, it will return a report to the caller with information about how each posted record was processed. For example, for the three records above, you might get a report such as:

    "GB": "5ebb30afaa6ce33843b00bbff63f63b90e91028c",
    "IN": "917d0311c687e5ffb28c91a9ea57cd3a306890d0",
    "BR": "d5fa7d9d8e4625399da7771fc0e3e87886f2a5ac"

In the report, you will see a row for every record that was posted, alongside the BitBroker key which is being used for this entity instance. This is the key which consumers will use in order to retrieve this record via the Consumer API.

Deleting records

When deleting records from the catalog, you need to simply post an array of your domain keys for the records to be removed. These should be the same domain keys you specified when you upserted the records. For example, to remove two of the records upserted in the previous step, the post body would need to be:

[ "GB", "BR" ]

Whenever records are deleted from the catalog, it will return a report to the caller with information about how each posted ID was processed. For example, for the two IDs above, you might get a report such as:

    "GB": "5ebb30afaa6ce33843b00bbff63f63b90e91028c",
    "BR": "d5fa7d9d8e4625399da7771fc0e3e87886f2a5ac"

In the report, you will see a row for every ID that was posted, alongside the BitBroker key which was being used for this (now removed) entity instance. This is the key which consumers will have used in order to retrieve this record via the Consumer API.

Closing a Session

After entity instance records have been posted, you can be close a session by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /connector/:cid/session/:sid/close/:commit end-point.

In order to post record actions, you must know the connector ID (cid). This should have been communicated to you by the coordinator user who created your data connector within BitBroker. You must also know the session ID (sid), which was returned in the previous step where a session was opened.

Finally, you will also need to select one of the two valid commits from true and false. These should be specified in lowercase and without any spaces.

curl http://bbk-contributor:8002/v1/connector/9afcf3235500836c6fcd9e82110dbc05ffbb734b/session/4527eff4-d9cf-41c0-9ecc-8e06b57fcf54/close/true \
     --include \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-token-goes-here"

This will result in a response as follows:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

The exact mechanics of closing a session depends on the type of session that specified when it was opened. This was covered in detail in the earlier section on session types.

5.2 - Hosting a Webhook

How to use webhooks to incorporate live and on-demand data

It is an expectation that the BitBroker catalog contains information which is useful to enable search and discovery of entity instances. Hence, it contains key metadata - but it does not normally contain actual entity data. This is pulled on-demand via a webhook hosted by the data connector who contributed the entity record.

The distinction between data and metadata is covered in more detail in the key concepts documentation. Depending on how data and metadata is balanced in a BitBroker instance, there may or may not be a requirement to host a webhook.

In this section, we will outline how to implement a webhook within a data container.

Registering your Webhook

The first step is to register your webhook with BitBroker. This is done when the connector is created or can be done later by updating the connector. These actions are part of the Coordinator API and hence can only be performed by a coordinator user on your behalf.

Your webhook should be an HTTP server which is capable of receiving calls from the BitBroker instance. You can host this server in any manner you like, however the coordinator of your BitBroker may have their own hosting and security requirements of it.

You need to maintain your webhook so that it is always available to its connected BitBroker instance. If your webhook is down or inaccessible when BitBroker needs it, this will result in a poor experience for consumers using the Consumer API. In this scenario, they will only see partial records. Information about misbehaving data connectors will be available to coordinator users.

Required End-points

You are required to implement two end-points as part of your webhook deployment.

Entity End-point

The entity end-point is used by BitBroker to get a full data record for an entity instance which you previously submitted into the catalog.

The entity end-point has the following signature:

   HTTP/GET /entity/:type/:id


Attribute Presence Description
The entity type ID, for this entity instance
Your own domain key, which you previously submitted into the catalog

The entity type is presented here to allow for scenarios where one webhook is servicing the needs of multiple data connectors.

In response to this call, you should return a JSON object consisting of an entity and instance attribute only - all other attributes will be ignored. The object you return will be merged with the catalog record, which you provided earlier. Hence, there is no need to resupply the catalog information you have already submitted in previous steps.

For example, consider this (previously submitted) catalog record:

    "id": "GB",
    "name": "United Kingdom",
    "type": "country",  
    "entity": {
        "area": 242900,
        "calling_code": 44,
        "capital": "London",
        "code": "GB",
        "continent": "Europe",
        "currency": {
            "code": "GBP",
            "name": "Sterling"
        "population": 66040229
    "instance": {
        "independence": 1066

If there is a call for the detail of this record made on the Consumer API, the system will callback on the entity end-point as follows:

HTTP/GET /entity/country/GB

Then the webhook should respond with any extra / live / on-demand entity and instance data:

    "entity": {
        "inflation": 4.3
    "instance": {
        "temperature": 18.8

The system will then merge this live information with the catalog record to send a combined record to the consumer.

    "id": "GB",
    "name": "United Kingdom",
    "type": "country",
    "entity": {
        "area": 242900,
        "calling_code": 44,
        "capital": "London",
        "code": "GB",
        "continent": "Europe",
        "currency": {
            "code": "GBP",
            "name": "Sterling"
        "population": 66040229,
        "inflation": 4.3  // this has been merged in
    "instance": {
        "independence": 1066,
        "temperature": 18.8  // this has been merged in

Timeseries End-point

The timeseries end-point is used by BitBroker to get a timeseries information associated with an entity instance previously submitted into the catalog.

Not all entity type will have timeseries associated with them. When they do, then this callback is vital, since no timeseries data points are held within the catalog itself. Only the existence of timeseries and key metadata about them is stored.

The timeseries end-point has the following signature:

HTTP/GET /timeseries/:type/:id/:tsid?start=:start&end=:end&limit=:limit


Attribute Presence Description
The entity type ID, for this entity instance
Your own domain key, which you previously submitted into the catalog
The ID of the timeseries associated with this entity instance
The earliest timeseries data point being requested
When present, an ISO 8601 formatted date
The latest timeseries data point being requested
When present, an ISO 8601 formatted date
The maximum number of timeseries points to return
An integer greater than zero

Further information about the possible URL parameters supplied with this callback are:

Attribute Information
start Should be treated as inclusive of the range being requested
When not supplied, assume a start from the latest timeseries point
end Should be treated as exclusive of the range being requested
When present, this will always after the start
Never present without start also being present
When not supplied, defer to the limit count
limit Takes precedence over the start and end range
The end may not be reached, if limit is breached first

Then the webhook should respond timeseries data points as follows:

        "from": 1910,
        "to": 1911,
        "value": 5231
        "from": 1911,
        "to": 1912,
        "value": 6253
    // other timeseries points here


Attribute Necessity Description
An ISO 8601 formatted date
When present, an ISO 8601 formatted date
A valid JSON data type or object

Specifying both from and to is rare - in most cases, only a from will be present. You can place any data type which makes sense for your timeseries in the value attribute. But this should be consistent across all the timeseries points you return.

6 - Consumer API

The outward facing API which consumers will use to access data from BitBroker

The Consumer API is the main outward facing API for the BitBroker system. It is the API used by consumers to access data from the system, but always in the context of a data sharing policy.

Paging Lists

It is possible that record lists returned from APIs may run to a great many records. There is a hard limit to how many records will be returned in a single call to any Consumer API.

It is possible to page access to record lists by using a set of URL query parameters, as follows:

Attribute Necessity Description
An integer number of data records, between 1 and 250
A positive integer index of the earlier desired record

If the paging parameters are incorrect, the API will respond with a standard validation error containing details of the violation.

If the specified offset is greater than the count of records available, the API will return an empty list. Using limit and offset you can page your way through a long list, getting the entire list a page at a time.

Rate and Quota Limits

All Consumer API calls happen within the context of a data sharing policy. Amongst other things, policy defines a rate and quota limit on calls you can make with the Consumer API. These should have been communicated to you by the coordinator user who gave you your consumer authorization token.

  • Rate - the maximum calls-per-second that you are allowed to make (e.g. 250)
  • Quota - the total calls you can make in a given period (e.g. 86,400 per day)

If you breach a rate or quota limit then calls to any part of the Consumer API will respond as follows:

HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests

This response will persist until the breach has expired.

All Consumer API calls happen within the context of a data sharing policy. Amongst other things, policy defines the legal context under which data access is permitted. A legal notice will be present at the end of every entity instance record returned by any part of the Consumer API.

These legal notices are in the form of a JSON array of objects, each with three attributes:

Attribute Presence Description
The type of the legal notice
The description of the legal notice
A link for more information about the legal notice

Examples of types of legal notices which may be present are:

Type Description
attribution How the data should be attributed within your application
contact Who to contact about the data and it’s use
license The licenses under which this data sharing operates
note Ad hoc notes about the data and/or it’s use
source Information about the source or origination of the data
terms The terms and conditions of use for the data

It is possible that the coordinator user who gave you your consumer authorization token will have more information about the legal basis of use of the data. They may require you to perform additional legal steps in order to be given a consumer authorization token.

Accessing “Staged” Records

It is important to understand that data connectors might be in a live or staged state. That is, their contribution might be approved for the live catalog, or might be being held back into a staging space only.

When staged, any records they contributed will not be visible in any part of the Consumer API. This concept is outlined in more detail in the key concepts documentation.

When developing a new connector, it is often useful to be able to see data from it alongside other public data. There is a mechanism available in the Consumer API which allows data connectors to see how their records will look alongside other existing public records.

In order to achieve this, connectors authors can send in a list of connector IDs in a private HTTP header attribute to any part of the Consumer API. Only connector authors will be aware of their connector ids. They can send up to 16 connectors in a single request header. The API will then include in responses, records contributed by those connectors as if they were live.

The header they should use for this is x-bbk-connectors. This should be a string value which is a comma separated list of connector IDs without any spaces.

6.1 - Catalog API

The catalog API enabling search and discovery services for entity instances

All the entity instances being managed by BitBroker are recorded with the catalog. This Catalog API is used to search this index and to discover entity instances which are needed by applications. The Catalog API returns a list of entity instances, which are then accessible via the Entity API.

In this section, we will explore the capabilities of the Catalog API in depth.

Querying the Catalog

You can query the catalog by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /catalog end-point.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here"

This will return an empty JSON array.

The catalog API will return a list of entity instances which match the submitted query string. The query string is submitted by adding a q URL parameter to the call. Submitting no query string, results in an empty array (as opposed to all items).

For example, using the query string:

q={"name" : "India"}

Would return the following JSON array:

        "id": "917d0311c687e5ffb28c91a9ea57cd3a306890d0",
        "url": "http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/entity/country/917d0311c687e5ffb28c91a9ea57cd3a306890d0",
        "type": "country",
        "name": "India",
        "legal": []

Here we have one matching entity instance. The API returns Entity API links to matching instances.

Querying Options

Here, we will go through each available query option one-by-one, giving an example of each.

Implicit Equality

This query format is a shorthand for using the $eq operator

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "name": "India" }'

Equals / Not Equals

The $eq and $ne operators work for a range of data types such as integers, floats and strings.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "": { "$eq": "London" } }'
curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "": { "$ne": "Paris" } }'

Less Than (or Equal to)

The $lt and $lte operators work for a range of data types such as integers, floats and strings.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "entity.population": { "$lt": 100000 } }'
curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "entity.population": { "$lte": 100000 } }'
curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "name": { "$lt": "China"} }'

Greater Than (or Equal to)

The $gt and $gte operators work for a range of data types such as integers, floats and strings.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "entity.population": { "$gt": 100000 } }'
curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "entity.population": { "$gte": 100000 } }'
curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "name": { "$gt": "Mexico"} }'

In / Not In

The $in and $nin operators are for searching with array parameters.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "name": {
         "$in": ["United Kingdom", "India", "France"]
     } }'
curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "name": {
         "$nin": ["United Kingdom", "India", "France"]
     } }'


The $contains operator is for searching within array values.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "entity.languages": { "$contains": [ "Japanese" ] } }'
curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "entity.languages": { "$contains": [ "Japanese", "English" ] } }'
curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "entity.location.coordinates": { "$contains": [ -3.435973, 55.378051 ] } }'

Logical Operators

The $and, $or and $nor operators can be combined in any combination.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "$and": [
         { "entity.continent": "Europe" },
         { "entity.population": { "$gt": 50000000 } }
     ] }'
curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "$or": [
         { "entity.continent": "Europe" },
         { "entity.population": { "$gt": 50000000 } }
     ] }'
curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "$nor": [
         { "name": "United Kingdom" },
         { "entity.population": { "$gt": 50000000 } }
     ] }'

Regular Expressions

The $regex operator allows for the use of regular expressions to query any string attribute.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "name":
         { "$regex": "United .*", "$options": "i" }

Geo Spatial Queries

The $near operator is used to find entity instances close to a GeoJSON geometry. The $min and $max parameters are specified in meters. You must specify either one of $min or $max or both together. The $geometry attribute must be present.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={
         "entity.location": {
             "$near": {
                 "$max": 750000,
                 "$min": 0,
                 "$geometry": {
                     "type": "Point",
                     "coordinates": [

The $within operator is used to find entity instances inside a closed GeoJSON geometry. The $geometry attribute must be present.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={
        "entity.location": {
          "$within": {
            "$geometry": {
              "type": "Polygon",
              "coordinates": [
                  [ -12.386341, 59.062341 ],
                  [ -12.386341, 49.952269 ],
                  [   2.500282, 49.952269 ],
                  [   2.500282, 59.062341 ],
                  [ -12.386341, 59.062341 ]

Querying for Timeseries

You can also search for entity instances which have timeseries associated with them, by using catalog query calls. For example:

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "timeseries.population.value": "people" }'

This call will find all entity instances which have a timeseries called population with values of people.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/catalog \
     --get \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here" \
     --data-urlencode 'q={ "timeseries.noise.unit": "decibel" }'

This call will find all entity instances which have a timeseries called noise with a unit of decibel.

6.2 - Entity API

The entity API enabling direct access to entity types and entity instances

The Entity API is used to retrieve information about entity instances which are present within the catalog. You can use this API to get a list of such entity instances or to get details of one particular entity instance. Calls to the Entity API are most often a result of a query to the Catalog API.

In this section, we will explore the capabilities of the Entity API in depth.

Entity Types Lists

You can query for a list of known entity types by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /entity end-point.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/entity \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here"

This will return a JSON array as follows:

        "id": "country",
        "url": "http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/entity/country",
        "name": "Countries",
        "description": "All the countries in the world as defined by the UN"
        "id": "heritage-site",
        "url": "http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/entity/heritage-site",
        "name": "World Heritage Sites",
        "description": "A landmark or area with legal protection by an international convention administered by UNESCO"
    // other entity types here

Each entity type, which you are permitted to see, will be returned within this array.

Entity Instance Lists

You can query for a list of entity instances of a given entity type by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /entity/:type end-point.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/entity/country \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here"

This will return an empty JSON array as follows:

        "id": "d38e86a5591b1f6e562040b9189556ff2d190ea7",
        "url": "http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/entity/country/d38e86a5591b1f6e562040b9189556ff2d190ea7",
        "type": "country",
        "name": "Andorra",
        "legal": []
        "id": "34c3ab32774042098ddc0ffa9878e4a1a60b33c0",
        "url": "http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/entity/country/34c3ab32774042098ddc0ffa9878e4a1a60b33c0",
        "type": "country",
        "name": "United Arab Emirates",
        "legal": []
        "id": "8c52885171d12b5cda6c77e2b9e9d52ed6bfe867",
        "url": "http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/entity/country/8c52885171d12b5cda6c77e2b9e9d52ed6bfe867",
        "type": "country",
        "name": "Afghanistan",
        "legal": []
    // other entity instances here

Each entity instance, which you are permitted to see, will be returned within this array.

Entity Instance Details

You can get the details of a particular entity instance by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /entity/:type/:id end-point.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/entity/country/34c3ab32774042098ddc0ffa9878e4a1a60b33c0 \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here"

This will return a JSON object as follows:

    "id": "34c3ab32774042098ddc0ffa9878e4a1a60b33c0",
    "url": "http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/entity/country/34c3ab32774042098ddc0ffa9878e4a1a60b33c0",
    "type": "country",
    "name": "United Arab Emirates",
    "entity": {
        "area": 83600,
        "code": "AE",
        "link": "",
        "capital": "Abu Dhabi",
        "currency": {
            "code": "AED",
            "name": "Arab Emirates Dirham"
        "location": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [
        "continent": "Asia",
        "population": 9682088,
        "calling_code": 971,
    "instance": {
        "independence": 1971
    "timeseries": {
        "population": {
            "unit": "x1000",
            "value": "people",
            "period": "P1Y",
            "url": "http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/entity/country/34c3ab32774042098ddc0ffa9878e4a1a60b33c0/timeseries/population"
    "legal": []

You can only get details of entity instances which you are permitted to see.

6.3 - Time Series API

The time series API enabling access to time-value pair datasets within entity instances

The Timeseries API is used to retrieve timeseries data points from entity types present within the catalog. Not all entity types have timeseries associated with them.

In this section, we will explore the capabilities of the Timeseries API in depth.

Getting Timeseries Data

You can query for a list timeseries data by issuing an HTTP/GET to the /entity/:type/:id/timeseries/:tsid end-point.

Timeseries are always housed within a parent entity type and each has a unique ID on that entity type. Hence, you will need to know the entity type ID (type), the entity instance ID (id) and timeseries ID (tsid), in order to get access to such data points.

curl http://bbk-consumer:8003/v1/entity/country/34c3ab32774042098ddc0ffa9878e4a1a60b33c0/timeseries/population \
     --header "x-bbk-auth-token: your-header-goes-here"

This will return a JSON array as follows:

        "from": 1960,
        "value": 89608
        "from": 1961,
        "value": 97727
        "from": 1962,
        "value": 108774
        "from": 1963,
        "value": 121574
    // other timeseries data points here

In this response, the attribute you will see is as follows:

Attribute Presence Description
An ISO 8601 formatted date
When present, an ISO 8601 formatted date
A valid JSON data type or object

The exact nature of the value attribute will depend upon the context of the timeseries you are using. It might be as simple as an integer, or as complex as an object.

Paging Timeseries

It is possible that timeseries may run to a great many data points. There is a hard limit to how many data points will be returned in a single call to this API.

It is possible to page access to timeseries data points by using a set of URL query parameters, as follows:

Attribute Necessity Description
An ISO 8601 formatted date
An ISO 8601 formatted date
An integer number of seconds, greater than 0
An integer number of data points, between 1 and 500

Here are additional considerations for when using these paging parameters:

  • If you specify and end, you must also specify a start
  • If you specify and end, it must be after the start
  • If you specify and duration, you must also specify a start
  • You cannot specify an end and a duration

If the paging parameters are incorrect, the API will respond with a standard validation error containing details of the violation.